You’re only 6 steps away from owning an outdoor Audiovisual Dream…

STEP 1 : PROJECT DEFINITION with on-site visit
A first meeting on-site with you, your AV integrator (and/or landscape architect or project manager), is essential to understand your wishes and find the most adapted screen solution to fit your project requirements

Depending on the location of the project, this first step of installation can be done by a partner of us or can be found locally. For this step, we can also work in close partnership with a company selected by your landscape architect. We send all required plans to the selected masonry company.

STEP 2 : photorealistic rendering
A picture is worth a thousand words. To help you get an excellent overview of what your ECLIPSE Outdoor Movie Theater will look like in the intended location, we provide you photorealistic renderings and Virtual Reality simulation.

STEP 5 : ON-SITE installation
Once the screen structure is completed in workshop and all equipments are supplied, we send everything to the project location (by truck or maritime container). All on site installation is done in coordination with your local AV integrator.

STEP 3 : Technical and financial agreement
Once every detail of your ECLIPSE configuration is defined, quoted and accepted (size of screen, LED panels or Projection display, selected sound system…), we can sign the technical and financial agreement. The Project implementation begins !

Once final settings have been made, we take a second appointment with you (of course, intermediate meetings can be scheduled on demand) . Together with your AV integrator, we explain you (and/or your house staff) the system settings and how to use the digital universal remote controller. Ease of use of the complete system will amaze you!
You’re only 6 steps away from owning an outdoor Audiovisual Dream…

STEP 1 : PROJECT DEFINITION with on-site visit
A first meeting on-site with you, your AV integrator (and/or landscape architect or project manager), is essential to understand your wishes and find the most adapted screen solution to fit your project requirements.

STEP 2 : photorealistic rendering
A picture is worth a thousand words. To help you get an excellent overview of what your ECLIPSE Outdoor Movie Theater will look like in the intended location, we provide you photorealistic renderings and Virtual Reality simulation.

STEP 3 : Technical and financial agreement
Once every detail of your ECLIPSE configuration is defined, quoted and accepted (size of screen, LED panels or Projection display, selected sound system…), we can sign the technical and financial agreement. The Project implementation begins !

Depending on the location of the project, this first step of installation can be done by a partner of us or can be found locally. For this step, we can also work in close partnership with a company selected by your landscape architect. We send all required plans to the selected masonry company

STEP 5 : ON-SITE installation
Once the screen structure is completed in workshop and all equipments are supplied, we send everything to the project location (by truck or maritime container). All on site installation is done in coordination with your local AV integrator. .

Once final settings have been made, we take a second appointment with you (of course, intermediate meetings can be scheduled on demand) . We explain you (and/or your house staff) the system settings and how to use the digital universal remote controller. Ease of use of the complete system will amaze you !